
  • Respect your neighbors' privacy and maintain a friendly relationship with them.
  • Follow the rules and regulations set by the housing society or apartment management.
  • Dispose of waste responsibly and follow the garbage disposal guidelines provided by the society and government.
  • Contribute to maintaining cleanliness and hygiene within the apartment premises.
  • Pay your maintenance fees and other dues on time to support the upkeep of common facilities.
  • Report any maintenance or security concerns promptly to the apartment management.
  • Participate in community events and activities to foster a sense of belonging.
  • Follow parking regulations and park your car in between the yellow line to ensure your vehicle does not inconvenience others.
  • Communicate openly and respectfully with fellow residents to resolve any conflicts or issues.
  • Stay informed about any updates or announcements from the apartment management or housing society.


  • Do not disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood with loud noises or disturbances.
  • Avoid damaging common facilities or property, and report any damages immediately.
  • Do not litter or create messes in common areas such as staircase, common area or parking lots.
  • Refrain from unauthorized alterations or modifications to your apartment or common areas.
  • Do not engage in any illegal or unethical activities within the apartment premises.
  • Avoid parking in designated no-parking zones or blocking access points.
  • Do not ignore or neglect your responsibilities towards maintaining the cleanliness and security of the apartment complex.
  • Refrain from violating any rules or bylaws established by the apartment management or housing society.
  • Avoid causing inconvenience to your neighbors with excessive noise, including during late hours.
  • Do not argue and be abusive with security gaurds and caretaker of the society.