Fifty nine sports journalits assembled on September 10,1979 to form 'Sports Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd'.
The Society got land allotted in 1985 from DDA. Construction started in November 1987 and ready for occupation in July
1990. Infrastructure in the area like road and lighting was extrmele poor in early years, electricity outages were frequent,
water shortages was also acute, but we all came through this with no electricity cut and 24 hrs water supply. The infrasture
also improved a lot in recent years.
The hallmark of our society building is its construction quality,the credit goes to some vigilant members of the society who were
so generous with their time and energy.
By and large, we can proudly say that our Society is a good example of cooperative living and camaraderie among members .
...Hony. President
Vice President
Hony. Secretary
Joint Secretary
Hony. Treasurer
MC Member
MC Member
MC Member
MC Member
MC Member
MC Member